ph 質敘共構為一間設計公司,品牌命名結合創辦人名字 Phoebe 與 pH 值,意指公司秉持著將美感與功能、理性與感性、夢想與現實取得最佳平衡的文化。標誌設計以積木或卡榫建構出品牌名稱,象徵品牌成為協助客戶組構並實踐夢想的重要夥伴,且有著變化多端的組合形式以及無限可能性。
PH design is a design corporation, brand name was combined the name of founder (Phoebe) with pH value, meaning the culture of PH design is aiming to strike a balance between Beauty, Function, Rationality, Sensibility, Dream and Reality. Logo design is constructed by blocks and tenon, symbolizing the brand is the important partner to construct and realizing the dream, also with variable format of combination and infinite possibility.
品牌識別系統設計 / 品牌延伸製作物設計 / 標誌設計 / 標準字設計 / 品牌命名
Client: ph design / Design Agency: Etch Design / Art Director: Bo Hao Ciou / Project Manager: Bi Zong Hu / Designer: Bo Hao Ciou, Bi Zong Hu