2o2o Greeting card & Red Envelope of TRA

2o2o Greeting card & Red Envelope of TRA

臺鐵鼠年紅包袋與賀卡 Greeting Card & Red Envelope of TRA Scope印刷品設計 / 動態圖像設計 CreditClient: Taiwan Railway Administration / Design Agency: Etch Design / Designer: Bo Hao Ciou / Motion: Bi Zong Hu / Photography: 皿山攝影 Related Project 2o19 Greeting Card & Red Envelope of...
2o19 Greeting card & Red Envelope of TRA

2o19 Greeting card & Red Envelope of TRA

臺鐵豬年紅包袋/賀卡 Greeting Card & Red Envelope of TRA 主視覺設計以火車與小豬結合,搭配車廂外部的彩繪,乘載著各式年節圖像(例:春聯、燈籠、鞭炮…等)。於賀卡也將列車意象轉換呈現方式,組構出2019,整體視覺以新舊元素融合,營造出臺灣鐵路管理局獨有的年節氣氛。 The key vision for this project was the combination of trains and pigs. The “locomotive pig” pulls the...
Red Envelopes for Year of Pig

Red Envelopes for Year of Pig

豬事黏黏紅包袋 Red Envelopes for Year of Pig 此款紅包袋採趣味諧音祝賀語設計,將文字與小豬外形結合,設計出可愛且圓潤的「小豬字體」,不僅擁有多變外形及表情,並將其製作成貼紙,於嶄新的一年可以創造出專屬自己個性的趣味紅包袋。 This red envelope was designed based on homophonic greeting words, by the way combining words and the piggy’s shape, designing a cute...


青箭口香糖 Doublemint 口香糖一直以來都是以方便性極高但用之及棄的產品,此次包裝及海報設計希望顛覆大眾對於它的想像。視覺上以口香糖「正在口中咀嚼」的形象與品牌名「青箭 Doublemint」做結合,口香糖在咀嚼的過程是有趣且變化多端的,雖然停留在口腔的時間很短暫,但卻可創造出各種多變有趣的符號或圖像,並在海報設計上以突破正規方形的手法去設計,讓消費者更容易被吸引,且明確的品牌名稱加深記憶。 Chewing gum is always a very convenient and disposable products,...