高能與強場物理研究中心(CHiP)以卓越貢獻科學研究為使命,連結台大、清大、成大等台灣頂尖物理實驗團隊。相較於國外研究機構,CHiP 結合多元的研究領域,涵蓋高能物理、強場物理、暗物質、重力波、渺⼦成像術、重力理論、重離子物理和強子物理等範疇。CHiP 致力於技術發展、⼈才培育、多元發展,企圖透過整合研究單位與產業合作夥伴,開創台灣在國際上的競爭地位。
為強調中心的多樣性,我們以動態識別作為開端,為中心的 8 大領域設計了專屬圖標。圖標各具特色卻保有識別的一致性,展現了 CHiP 具有高度彈性與創新性的中心精神。主標誌簡化了高能物理實驗的圖像,象徵著各領域的想法碰撞和跨領域的合作,亦有著團結精神的意象,共同推動成果走向國際舞台。
CHiP’s core mission is to contribute excellent scientific research by connecting Taiwan’s top lab teams in physics from the National Taiwan University, National Tsing Hua University, and National Cheng Kung University. Unlike other research institutions abroad, CHiP integrated a diversified research field, including high energy physics, high field physics, dark matter, gravitational wave, muography, gravitational theory, heavy ion physics, and hadron physics. CHiP is dedicated to technology development, talent cultivation, and diverse growth and aims to establish Taiwan’s international competitiveness by bridging research units and industry partners.
To emphasize the importance of the center’s diversity, we adopted the dynamic identity approach in designing and created different icons for each of the eight major fields of CHiP based on its core concept. Every icon from this set has unique characteristics while remaining consistent with the overall style to form a unified look, reflecting the highly flexible and innovative spirit of CHiP. The primary logo features the essence of high-energy physics experiments that symbolize sparks of thought and interdisciplinary collaborations, as well as the power of unity that drives world-level accomplishments.
中心識別系統設計 / 中心延伸製作物設計 / 廣宣品設計 / 標誌設計 / 輔助圖形設計 / 簡報設計
Client: CHiP / Design Agency: Etch Design / Art Director: Bo Hao Ciou / Project Manager: Bi Zong Hu / Designer: Bi Zong Hu, Bo Hao Ciou