
When The Train Pulls Into The Museum

畫面中黑色圓點有著山洞出入口與宇宙中黑洞的意象,並將主標文字筆畫拆解為許多列車,在山洞暨宇宙間穿梭,帶出一種對未知的探索旅程,呼應此次講座的聽眾就像是乘載著這些列車,駛進德國鐵路博物館(DB Museum),深入了解梅爾滕斯副館長(Dr.Rainer Mertens)多年對於鐵道主題策展和博物館經營、行銷等經驗,分享給關心鐵道文化以及博物館經營的聽眾。

The black dot in the scene has the image of entrance / exit of the tunnel and the black hole in the universe, then split the strokes of character into many trains, travel in the tunnel and universe , create a unknown exploring journey, like the audience of this lecture taking the train and driving into the DB museum, deeply understand Dr. Rainer Mertens’s experience of museum manage and marketing related to the topic of railway, sharing with the audience who are caring about the railway culture and museum management.

活動主視覺設計 / 宣傳品設計 / 海報設計 / 數位設計 / 標準字設計

Client: 台北機廠鐵道博物館園區籌備小組 / Design Agency: Etch Design / Designer: Bo Hao Ciou

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