光藝創造為空間投影結合人體雷射光舞蹈之表演藝術團隊。標誌設計以光立方隔線為基底,建構出光藝創造英文縮寫 「ace」 monogram,透過光影變化創造多維度的錯視空間感,象徵藝術團隊以「空間」結合「人體」投影表演;標誌由外向內閱讀「a – c – e」,意味觀眾被團隊吸引之視覺聚焦的感受。
Art Creative Entertainment is the artist team combined with space projection and body laser dance. Logo is designed based on the grid of light cube, construct the abbreviation of Art Creative Entertainment “ace” monogram. Via the variation between light and shadow, creating the illusion of multiple dimension, symbolizing the artist team perform with the combination of space and body. Read the logo from outside to inside, “a–c–e”, means the feeling of visual focus attracted by the team.
品牌識別系統設計 / 品牌延伸製作物設計 / 標誌設計 / 標準字設計
Client: Art Creative Entertainment / Design Agency: Etch Design / Project Manager: Bi Zong Hu / Designer: Bo Hao Ciou