Apis Gelato 為義式冰淇淋品牌,以因甜而聚作為品牌核心宗旨,更持續探索著口味與口感的無盡可能性,體現出品牌混合與創新的文化精神。
我們將標準字的焦點集中在「p」的造型上,呈現出融化、流動與甜感十足的視覺意象,同時透過搭配襯線體,營造出充滿義式浪漫氛圍的品牌風格。在視覺延伸上,我們以描繪分眾興趣作為切入點,將其巧妙融入冰淇淋中,象徵著每位顧客因為 Apis Gelato 而匯聚在一起,並創造出專屬品牌獨特的視覺符碼。
Apis Gelato, an Italian ice cream brand, is built upon the core concept of “May The Sweets Always BEE Around With You.” The brand embodies its cultural spirit of fusion and innovation with its continuous exploration of unlimited possibilities of tastes and flavors.
We developed the logotype by focusing on the letter “p” to visualize the sense of melting, fluidity, and sweetness. By incorporating serif font into the design, we bring out the chillout Italian vibe of the brand. We created visual graphics by depicting the interests of different target audience groups and nicely integrated them into the gelato to indicate that different customers gather together because of Apis Gelato, creating a unique visual symbol for the brand.
品牌識別系統設計 / 名片設計 / 包裝設計 / 印刷品設計 / 品牌延伸製作物設計 / 插畫設計
Client: Apis Gelato / Design Agency: Etch Design / Art Director: Bo Hao Ciou / Project Manager: Bi Zong Hu / Designer: Bi Zong Hu, Bo Hao Ciou / Illustrator: Bi Zong Hu / Photography: Leejuanshow